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If you have any questions for the officers, please check the FAQs below before emailing us at Thank you! 
All volunteering and hours guidelines can be found here and member requirements are here

When can I apply for CSF?

Applications open at the beginning of each semester. Both members and prospective members should reapply every semester.

What are CSF's requirements to get a cord?

Members must volunteer at least 5 hours per semester for four semesters before graduation. These hours must be from Homestead CSF events, and at least one semester must be during senior year.

I can't go to an event that I already signed up for. What should I do?

If the event is within 48 hours, you must find a replacement and notify us via email and include your name, their name, and the event. If not, just email us and remove yourself from the list. If you remove yourself without doing one of the above, one hour will be deducted.

I volunteered at an event but didn't get hours for it. What happened?

If the event was 1-3 days ago, wait for an email that will tell you when hours have been entered. If the event was not recent, please email us with your name, hours, date and name of the event.

I can't sign up for any events because they fill up so quickly. What should I do?

Check this website periodically for new events, which may be posted before weekly emails are sent out. Finish your hours as early as possible to avoid the end of the semester rush as well.

Where can I see how many semesters I've completed?

A spreadsheet of finalized semesters was sent through email.

Where can I view my hours?

ADs will send out a spreadsheet after every event with the total hours you earned. Individual hours are available upon request (through email). Please note: meeting hours are not inputted until the end of the semester.

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